Commit b6d38fb9 by Francisco Huertas

Clone for gitlab

parent e2b4a33b
"""Naval Fate.
git-cloner clon [(-u <user> | --user=<user>) [(-p <pass>| --pass=<pass>)]] [(-f | --force)] [(-V | --verbose)] [(-o <out>| --out=<out>)]
[(-r <file>| --retry=<file>)] ((-c <org> | --org=<org>) | (--U <user> | --target-user=<user>))
(-t <type> | --type=<type>)
[(-s <file> | --save=<file>)] [--ssh]
git-cloner clon [(-u <user> | --user=<user>) [(-p <pass>| --pass=<pass>)]] [--priv-token=<token>] [(-f | --force)]
[(-V | --verbose)] [(-o <out>| --out=<out>)] [(-r <file>| --retry=<file>)]
((-c <org> | --org=<org>) | (--U <user> | --target-user=<user>)) (-t <type> | --type=<type>)
[-H <host> | --host=<host>] [(-s <file> | --save=<file>)] [--ssh [<port>]]
git-cloner make-repos [(-u <user> | --user=<user>)] [-f] [(-i <in>| --in=<in>)] [(-s <file> | --save=<file>)]
(-t <type> | --type=<type>) --priv-token=<token> (-h | --host=<host>) [--ssh]
(-t <type> | --type=<type>) --priv-token=<token> (-h <host>| --host=<host>) [--ssh]
git-cloner (-h | --help)
git-cloner --version
......@@ -18,17 +18,17 @@ Options:
-V --verbose Show version.
-c --org=<org> Origin (organization) to read repositories. It is incompatible with target-user
-h --help Show help
-H --host=<host> Host of repository (Not needed for github)
-f --force Force remove directories
-o --out=<out> Output directory
-i --in=<in> Input directory
-s --save=<file> Save Output result into a file
-r --retry=<file> Retry the for the last execution, the input is te save file from the previous execution
--ssh Use ssh instead https
-t --type=<type> Indicate the type of repository gitlab is only supported jet
--ssh Use ssh instead https, 22 as default
<port> Port for ssh, default 22
-t --type=<type> Indicate the type of repository. values: gitlab and github
-U --target-user=<user> Origin (user) to read repositories. It is incompatible with org
--priv-token=<token> Indicate the path to the private token where the token is
-H --host=<host> Indicate the host. i.e
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ def get_namespace():
org = Config.get_config().org
url = ""
headers = {'PRIVATE-TOKEN': Config.get_config().token}
r = [{'id': 4, 'name': 'stratio', 'path': 'stratio', 'kind': 'group', 'full_path': 'stratio', 'parent_id': None,
r = [{'id': 4, 'name': 'sstt', 'path': 'sstt', 'kind': 'group', 'full_path': 'sstt', 'parent_id': None,
'members_count_with_descendants': 1},
{'id': 3, 'name': 'personal', 'path': 'personal', 'kind': 'group', 'full_path': 'personal', 'parent_id': None,
'members_count_with_descendants': 1},
from git_cloner.model.owner.owner import Owner
from git_cloner.model.repository import RawRepository
from git_cloner.model.repository import RawRepository, Repository
from git_cloner.utils import utils
from git_cloner.utils.config import Config
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ class GithubOwner(Owner):
return self.REPOS_FROM_USER_TEMPLATE.format(base=self.api_base_url())
def get_repos(self):
return [RawRepository(repo) for repo in self.get_repos_rec(0, self.get_repos_url())]
return [RawRepository.from_raw_data(repo, Repository.GITHUB) for repo in self.get_repos_rec(0, self.get_repos_url())]
# Is not the best form but i'm, trying tailrec
from git_cloner.model.owner.owner import Owner
from git_cloner.model.repository import RawRepository, Repository
from git_cloner.utils.config import Config
from git_cloner.utils import utils
class GitlabOwner(Owner):
NAMESPACE_ENDPOINT = "{host}/api/v4/namespaces?search={owner}"
REPOS_USER_ENDPOINT = "{host}/api/v4/users/{ns}/projects"
REPOS_GROUPS_ENDPOINT = "{host}/api/v4/groups/{ns}/projects"
def __init__(self, owner, is_user, host): = host
self.owner = owner
self.is_user = is_user
self.namespace = self._get_ns(owner, host)
def _get_ns(cls, owner, host):
results = utils.make_request(cls.NAMESPACE_ENDPOINT.format(host=host, owner=owner))
raw = [result for result in results if result['name'] == owner][0]
return raw['id']
def build_from_config():
conf = Config.get_config()
owner, is_user = (conf.target_user, True) if conf.target_user else (, False)
host =
return GitlabOwner(owner, is_user, host)
def get_repos(self):
url = self.REPOS_USER_ENDPOINT if self.is_user else self.REPOS_GROUPS_ENDPOINT
result = utils.make_request(url.format(, ns=self.namespace))
return [RawRepository.from_raw_data(repo, Repository.GITLAB) for repo in result]
from abc import abstractmethod
class Owner(object):
raise NotImplementedError("Please Implement this method")
def get_repos(self):
raise NotImplementedError("Please Implement this method")
def build_from_config():
raise NotImplementedError("Please Implement this method")
def builder(repo_type):
from git_cloner.model.owner.github_owner import GithubOwner
from git_cloner.model.owner.gitlab_owner import GitlabOwner
from git_cloner.model.repository import Repository
if repo_type == Repository.GITHUB: return GithubOwner.build_from_config()
if repo_type == Repository.GITLAB: return GitlabOwner.build_from_config()
raise RuntimeError("Invalid repository type")
from uuid import uuid4
from git_cloner.model.remotes.remote import Remote
import re
class GitlabRemote(Remote):
SSH_URL_BASE = "ssh://git@{host}/{owner}/{repo}"
HTTP_URL_BASE = "http://{host}/{owner}/{repo}"
HTTPS_URL_BASE = "https://{host}/{owner}/{repo}"
HTTP_URL_BASE = "{host}/{owner}/{repo}"
def __init__(self, host, owner, repo_name, remote_type, name=uuid4()):
def __init__(self, host, owner, repo_name, is_ssh, port, name=uuid4()):
self.port = port = name = host
self.owner = owner
self.repo_name = repo_name
self.type = remote_type
self.is_ssh = is_ssh
def get_name(self):
......@@ -25,8 +26,12 @@ class GitlabRemote(Remote):
return self.owner
def build_remote_url(self):
return {
'ssh': self.SSH_URL_BASE.format(, owner=self.owner, repo=self.repo_name),
'http': self.HTTP_URL_BASE.format(, owner=self.owner, repo=self.repo_name),
'https': self.HTTPS_URL_BASE.format(, owner=self.owner, repo=self.repo_name),
if self.is_ssh:
split ="//")[1].split(":", 1)
new_host = "{}:{}{}".format(
re.sub('^[\d]*', '', "" if len(split) == 1 else split[1]))
return self.SSH_URL_BASE.format(host=new_host, owner=self.owner, repo=self.repo_name, port=self.port)
return self.HTTP_URL_BASE.format(, owner=self.owner, repo=self.repo_name)
......@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ import copy
import os
import shutil
from git_cloner.model.remotes.github_remote import GithubRemote
from git_cloner.utils.logger import *
......@@ -59,11 +58,21 @@ class Repository(object):
class RawRepository(object):
def __init__(self, raw_data):
self.raw_data = raw_data
def __init__(self, remote):
self.remote = remote
def from_raw_data(raw_data, my_type):
config = Config.get_config()
if my_type == Repository.GITHUB:
owner = raw_data['owner']['login']
repo_name = raw_data['name']
return RawRepository(GithubRemote(owner, repo_name, config.ssh))
if my_type == Repository.GITLAB:
owner = raw_data['namespace']['name']
repo_name = raw_data['name']
return RawRepository(GitlabRemote(, owner, repo_name, config.ssh, config.port))
raise RuntimeError("Invalid repository type")
def clone(self, path):
owner = self.raw_data['owner']['login']
repo_name = self.raw_data['name']
remote = GithubRemote(owner, repo_name, Config.get_config().ssh)
return Repository.clone(remote, path)
return Repository.clone(self.remote, path)
import json
from git_cloner.model.owner.owner import Owner
from git_cloner.model.repository import RawRepository
from git_cloner.model.repository import RawRepository, Repository
from git_cloner.utils import logger
from git_cloner.utils.config import Config
......@@ -20,12 +21,8 @@ def get_repos():
def log_retry_path(path):
template_dic = """{{"name": "{name}","owner": {{"login": "{login}"}}}}"""
with open(path) as file:
lines = [line.strip() for line in file.readlines()]
filtered = [line for line in lines if line.endswith("False")]
format_str = [template_dic.format(
for line in filtered]
return [RawRepository(json.loads(line)) for line in format_str]
return [RawRepository(logger.build_remote_from_log_line(line)) for line in filtered]
......@@ -25,10 +25,11 @@ class Config(object):
_KEY_SSH = "--ssh"
_KEY_VERBOSE = "--verbose"
_KEY_RETRY = "--retry"
_KEY_PORT_SSH = "<port>"
instance = None
def __init__(self, user, password, org, limit, dir_in, dir_out,
force, save, ssh, repo_type, token, host, target_user, verbose, retry):
force, save, ssh, port, repo_type, token, host, target_user, verbose, retry):
self.retry = retry
self.target_user = target_user
self.user = user
......@@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ class Config(object):
self.force = force = save
self.ssh = ssh
self.port = port
self.type = repo_type
self.token = token = host
......@@ -55,6 +57,8 @@ class Config(object):
force = arguments.pop(cls._KEY_FORCE, False)
save = arguments.pop(cls._KEY_SAVE, None)
ssh = arguments.pop(cls._KEY_SSH, False)
port = arguments.pop(cls._KEY_PORT_SSH, 22)
port = 22 if port is None else port
repo_type = arguments.pop(cls._KEY_TYPE, None)
host = arguments.pop(cls._KEY_HOST, None)
path = arguments.pop(cls._KEY_TOKEN, None)
......@@ -66,7 +70,7 @@ class Config(object):
password = getpass.getpass()
cls.instance = Config(user, password, org, 100, dir_in, dir_out,
force, save, ssh, repo_type, token, host, target_user, verbose, retry)
force, save, ssh, port, repo_type, token, host, target_user, verbose, retry)
return cls.instance
import logging
from git_cloner.model.remotes.github_remote import GithubRemote
from git_cloner.model.remotes.gitlab_remote import GitlabRemote
from git_cloner.utils.config import Config
......@@ -16,7 +18,19 @@ def get_logger_console(origin_module,
def log_result(remote, operation, result):
template = "\nRepo: {}/{}, Operation: {}, Result: {}"
if Config.get_config().save is not None:
template = "\nServer: {}, Repo: {}/{}, Operation: {}, Result: {}"
config = Config.get_config()
if is not None:
with open(Config.get_config().save, "a") as my_file:
my_file.write(template.format(remote.owner, remote.repo_name, operation, result))
my_file.write(template.format(config.type, remote.owner, remote.repo_name, operation, result))
def build_remote_from_log_line(line):
server = line.split(",")[0].split(":")[1].strip()
owner = line.split(",")[1].split(":")[1].split("/")[0].strip()
name = line.split(",")[1].split(":")[1].split("/")[1].strip()
config = Config.get_config()
from git_cloner.model.repository import Repository
if server == Repository.GITHUB: return GithubRemote(owner, name, config.ssh)
if server == Repository.GITLAB: return GitlabRemote(,owner, name, config.ssh)
raise RuntimeError("Invalid repository type")
......@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ def make_request(url, headers=None, auth_if_possible=True):
headers = {}
config = Config.get_config()
auth = (config.user, config.password) if config.user and auth_if_possible else None
if config.token is not None:
headers['PRIVATE-TOKEN'] = config.token
result = requests.get(url, auth=auth, headers=headers)
if result.status_code != 200:
raise RuntimeError("Incorrect request {}\n{}".format(url, str(result.content)))
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"--help": False,
"--host": None,
"--in": None,
"--org": "stratio",
"--org": "sstt",
"--out": None,
"--priv-token": None,
"--retry": None,
......@@ -14,15 +14,15 @@
"--version": False,
"clon": True,
"make-repos": False}"""
import unittest
import runpy
import sys
import unittest
from pkg_resources import resource_filename
from git_cloner.boot import boot
from git_cloner.utils.utils import read
from tests.git_cloner.utils.utils import *
from pkg_resources import resource_filename
test_dir = "/tmp/test_tmp"
......@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ class BootAT(unittest.TestCase):
sys.argv = self.args
# Command: git-cloner clon -u user -p pass -U yunxao --ssh -t github -o /tmp/test_tmp/fhuertas -s /tmp/test_tmp/log.log
def test_run_clone_at(self):
print("git-cloner clon -u user -p pass -U yunxao --ssh -t github -o /tmp/test_tmp/fhuertas "
......@@ -47,8 +46,29 @@ class BootAT(unittest.TestCase):
password = read(os.path.join(secrets_path, 'password'))
cmd = "git-cloner clon -u {user} -p {password} -U yunxao --ssh -t github -o {out_dir}/fhuertas " \
"-s {out_dir}/log.log".format(out_dir=test_dir, user=user, password=password)
sys.argv = cmd.split(" ")
runpy.run_module(boot.__name__, run_name="__main__", alter_sys=False)
with open(os.path.join(test_dir, "log.log")) as file:
lines = len([line for line in file.readlines() if line.strip() != ""])
self.assertEqual(lines, 10)
def test_run_clone_from_gitlab_at(self):
test_group = read(os.path.join(secrets_path, 'personal_group_test'))
host = read(os.path.join(secrets_path, 'gitlab_host'))
ssh_port = read(os.path.join(secrets_path, 'gitlab_port'))
token = os.path.join(secrets_path, 'token_gitlab_personal')
cmd = "git-cloner clon --priv-token={token} --org={test_group} --ssh {port} " \
"-t gitlab -o {out_dir}/fhuertas -s {out_dir}/log.log -H {host}" \
sys.argv = cmd.split(" ")
runpy.run_module(boot.__name__, run_name="__main__", alter_sys=False)
with open(os.path.join(test_dir, "log.log")) as file:
lines = len([line for line in file.readlines() if line.strip() != ""])
self.assertEqual(lines, 1)
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import pkg_resources
from mock_decorators.function_mock import FunctionMock, FunctionMockResult
from git_cloner.model.owner.github_owner import GithubOwner
from git_cloner.model.remotes.github_remote import GithubRemote
from git_cloner.model.repository import Repository
from git_cloner.operations.mass_cloner import *
from git_cloner.utils import utils
......@@ -17,7 +18,7 @@ response_filepath = pkg_resources.resource_filename("tests", "resources/request_
log_retry_path = pkg_resources.resource_filename("tests", "resources/retry.log")
class MassClonerTest(unittest.TestCase):
class MassClonerIT(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.dir = set_test_dir(test_dir)
......@@ -26,7 +27,7 @@ class MassClonerTest(unittest.TestCase):
def serial_it(self):
def test_serial_it(self):
def test_mass_cloner_user():
config = Config.load_config({})
config.type = "github"
......@@ -67,7 +68,7 @@ class MassClonerTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_logger():
config = Config.load_config({})
config.type = "github"
config.type = Repository.GITHUB = "fhuertasorgfortest"
config.ssh = True = os.path.join(test_dir, "log.log")
......@@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ class MassClonerTest(unittest.TestCase):
repos_raw = [
generate_repo_github(name="monkey", user="fhuertasorgfortest"),
repos = [RawRepository(repo) for repo in repos_raw]
repos = [RawRepository.from_raw_data(repo, config.type) for repo in repos_raw]
@FunctionMockResult(entity=GithubOwner, function_name="get_repos", result=repos)
def inner_test():
......@@ -87,8 +88,9 @@ class MassClonerTest(unittest.TestCase):
with open( as file:
result = "".join(file.readlines()).strip()
"Repo: fhuertasorgfortest/monkey, Operation: clone, Result: True\n"
"Repo: {}, Operation: clone, Result: False".format(repos_raw[1].get('full_name')))
"Server: github, Repo: fhuertasorgfortest/monkey, Operation: clone, Result: True\n"
"Server: github, Repo: {}, Operation: clone, Result: False".format(
def test_get_repos_normal():
config = Config.load_config({})
......@@ -107,10 +109,12 @@ class MassClonerTest(unittest.TestCase):
result = get_repos()
self.assertEqual(len(result), 2)
self.assertEqual(result[0].raw_data['name'], 'monkey')
self.assertEqual(result[0].raw_data['owner']['login'], 'fhuertasorgfortest')
self.assertEqual(result[1].raw_data['name'], 'mix')
self.assertEqual(result[1].raw_data['owner']['login'], 'mix')
self.assertTrue(isinstance(result[0].remote, GithubRemote))
self.assertEqual(result[0].remote.repo_name, 'monkey')
self.assertEqual(result[0].remote.owner, 'fhuertasorgfortest')
self.assertTrue(isinstance(result[1].remote, GithubRemote))
self.assertEqual(result[1].remote.repo_name, 'mix')
self.assertEqual(result[1].remote.owner, 'mix')
def test_retry_mass_clone():
config = Config.load_config({})
......@@ -130,10 +134,11 @@ class MassClonerTest(unittest.TestCase):
monkey @ 7b68cc95
Subproject commit 7b68cc95ef2a31611b76b6146cdee7bb7413f013
import unittest
from mock_decorators.function_mock import FunctionMock
from git_cloner.utils import utils
from git_cloner.model.owner.github_owner import GithubOwner
from git_cloner.utils import utils
from git_cloner.utils.config import Config
from tests.git_cloner.utils.gen_utils import *
......@@ -38,6 +39,8 @@ class GithubOwnerTest(unittest.TestCase):
@FunctionMock(utils, 'make_request', get_repos, False)
def inner_test():
from git_cloner.model.owner.github_owner import GithubOwner
owner = GithubOwner("fhuertas", True)
return owner.get_repos()
......@@ -63,3 +66,5 @@ class GithubOwnerTest(unittest.TestCase):
result = inner_test()
self.assertEqual(len(result), 0)
import unittest
import os
from pkg_resources import resource_filename
from git_cloner.model.owner.gitlab_owner import GitlabOwner
from git_cloner.model.owner.owner import Owner
from git_cloner.model.repository import Repository
from git_cloner.utils.config import Config
from git_cloner.utils.utils import read
secrets_path = os.path.join(resource_filename('tests', 'resources'), 'secrets')
user = read(os.path.join(secrets_path, 'user'))
host = read(os.path.join(secrets_path, 'gitlab_host'))
org = read(os.path.join(secrets_path, 'personal_group_test'))
class GitlabOwnerIT(unittest.TestCase):
def test_builder_it(self):
config = Config.load_config({})
config.token = read(os.path.join(secrets_path, 'token_gitlab'))
owner = GitlabOwner(user, True, "")
self.assertEqual(owner.namespace, 2130450)
def test_builder_unauthorized_it(self):
self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, GitlabOwner._get_ns, user, "")
def test_builder_personal_it(self):
config = Config.load_config({})
config.token = read(os.path.join(secrets_path, 'token_gitlab_personal'))
owner = GitlabOwner(user, True, host)
self.assertEqual(owner.namespace, 2)
def test_build_gitlab_it(self):
config = Config.load_config({}) = host
config.target_user = user
config.token = read(os.path.join(secrets_path, 'token_gitlab_personal'))
owner = Owner.builder(Repository.GITLAB)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(owner, GitlabOwner))
self.assertEqual(owner.owner, user)
self.assertEqual(, host)
self.assertEqual(owner.namespace, 2)
def test_get_repos_user_it(self):
config = Config.load_config({}) = host = org
config.token = read(os.path.join(secrets_path, 'token_gitlab_personal'))
owner = Owner.builder(Repository.GITLAB)
result = owner.get_repos()
self.assertEqual(len(result), 1)
import unittest
from mock_decorators.function_mock import FunctionMockResult
from git_cloner.utils import utils
from git_cloner.model.owner.github_owner import GithubOwner
from git_cloner.model.owner.gitlab_owner import GitlabOwner
from git_cloner.model.owner.owner import Owner
from git_cloner.model.repository import Repository
from git_cloner.utils.config import Config
class OwnerTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_builder_github(self):
Config.load_config({}).target_user = "pepe"
result = Owner.builder("github")
result = Owner.builder(Repository.GITHUB)
self.assertEqual(result.owner, "pepe")
self.assertEqual(result.is_user, True)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(result, GithubOwner))
@FunctionMockResult(utils, "make_request", [{"name": "user", "id": "1234"}])
def test_build_gitlab(self):
config = Config.load_config({}) = "http://host"
config.target_user = "user"
owner = Owner.builder(Repository.GITLAB)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(owner, GitlabOwner))
self.assertEqual(owner.owner, "user")
self.assertEqual(, "http://host")
self.assertEqual(owner.namespace, 1234)
def test_builder_other(self):
self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, Owner.builder, "invalid")
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import unittest
from git_cloner.model.remotes.github_remote import GithubRemote
class GitRemoteTest(unittest.TestCase):
class GithubRemoteTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_build_from_url_ssh(self):
remote = GithubRemote.build_from_url("")
......@@ -5,16 +5,16 @@ from git_cloner.model.remotes.gitlab_remote import GitlabRemote
class TestGitlabRemote(unittest.TestCase):
def test_build_remote_ssh(self):
remote = GitlabRemote("", "owner", "repo", "ssh")
remote = GitlabRemote("", "owner", "repo", True)
self.assertEqual(remote.build_remote_url(), "ssh://")
def test_build_remote_http(self):
remote = GitlabRemote("", "owner", "repo", "http")
remote = GitlabRemote("", "owner", "repo", False)
self.assertEqual(remote.build_remote_url(), "")
def test_build_remote_https(self):
remote = GitlabRemote("", "owner", "repo", "https")
remote = GitlabRemote("", "owner", "repo", False)
self.assertEqual(remote.build_remote_url(), "")
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import unittest
from git_cloner.model.remotes.github_remote import GithubRemote
from git_cloner.model.remotes.gitlab_remote import GitlabRemote
from tests.git_cloner.utils import gen_utils
class TestRemote(unittest.TestCase):
......@@ -10,9 +11,13 @@ class TestRemote(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(remote.build_clone_cmd(), "git clone {path}")
def test_build_remote_add(self):
remote = GitlabRemote("", "owner", "repo", "ssh", "uuid")
self.assertEqual(remote.build_remote_add(), "git remote add uuid ssh://")
remote = GitlabRemote("", "owner", "repo", True, 1111, "uuid")
self.assertEqual(remote.build_remote_add(), "git remote add uuid ssh://")
def test_build_remote_add_with_path(self):
remote = GitlabRemote("", "owner", "repo", True, 1111, "uuid")
self.assertEqual(remote.build_remote_add(), "git remote add uuid ssh://")
def test_build_remote_remove(self):
remote = GitlabRemote("", "owner", "repo", "ssh", "uuid")
remote = GitlabRemote("", "owner", "repo", True, name="uuid")
self.assertEqual(remote.build_remote_delete(), "git remote remove uuid")
......@@ -16,13 +16,13 @@ test_dir = "/tmp/test_tmp"
class RepositoryIT(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.old_dir = set_test_dir(test_dir)
def tearDown(self):
restore_path(self.old_dir) # , test_dir)
# restore_path(self.old_dir) # , test_dir)
# This tests have problems if are executed in parallel
def serials_it(self):
def test_serials_it(self):
def creating_with_cloning():
remote = GithubRemote.build_from_url("")
repo = Repository.clone(remote, test_dir)
......@@ -43,16 +43,22 @@ class RepositoryIT(unittest.TestCase):
def clone_repo_github():
Config.load_config({}).ssh = True
gen_raw_repo = generate_repo_github()
gen_raw_repo['owner']['login'] = "fhuertas"
gen_raw_repo['name'] = "monkey"
raw_repo = RawRepository(gen_raw_repo)
gen_raw_repo = generate_repo_github("monkey", "fhuertas")
raw_repo = RawRepository(gen_raw_repo, Repository.GITHUB)
result = raw_repo.clone(test_dir)
def clone_repo_gitlab_ssh():
Config.load_config({}).ssh = True
gen_raw_repo = generate_repo_gitlab("test_project", "test_group")
raw_repo = RawRepository(gen_raw_repo, Repository.GITLAB)
result = raw_repo.clone(test_dir)
# creating_with_cloning()
# creating_with_cloning_ssh()
def check_force_remove_dir_it(self):
remote = GithubRemote.build_from_url("")
......@@ -86,5 +92,3 @@ class RepositoryIT(unittest.TestCase):
result = Repository.clone(remote, test_dir)
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ class TestGitlabWrapper(unittest.TestCase):
# push_repository("/tmp/tmp/git_1")
def test_make_all(self):
Config.get_config().org = "stratio"
Config.get_config().org = "sstt"
Config.get_config().host = ""
Config.get_config().token ='token')
Config.get_config().dir_in = "/home/fhuertas/Projects/personal"
......@@ -3,23 +3,4 @@ from git_cloner import boot
class TestModule(unittest.TestCase):
# def test_run(self):
# arguments = {
# '--org': 'stratio',
# '--limit': '1'
# }
# def test_run(self):
# arguments = {
# '--org': 'stratio',
# '--limit': '100'
# }
# def test_run(self):
# arguments = {
# '--org': 'stratios',
# '--limit': '100'
# }
......@@ -63,3 +63,4 @@ class TestConfig(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(my_config.target_user, None)
self.assertEqual(my_config.verbose, False)
self.assertEqual(my_config.retry, None)
self.assertEqual(my_config.port, 22)
......@@ -10,6 +10,18 @@ def gen_name():
return names[pos]
def gen_host():
base = "http{s}://".format(s="s" if gen_bool() else "")
path = "/".join(gen_path())
return "{base}{path}".format(base=base, path=path)
def gen_ssh_gitlab():
base = "ssh://git@".format(s="s" if gen_bool() else "")
path = "/".join(gen_path())
return "{base}{path}".format(base=base, path=path)
def gen_int(start=0, limit=1000000):
return randrange(start, limit)
......@@ -18,6 +30,11 @@ def gen_bool():
return bool(randrange(0, 2))
def gen_path(max=4):
n = randrange(0, max)
return [gen_name() for _ in range(n)]
def join_path(path1, path2): return "{}/{}".format(path1, path2)
......@@ -121,3 +138,65 @@ def generate_repo_github(name=gen_name(), user=gen_name()):
"watchers": 0,
"default_branch": "master"
def generate_repo_gitlab(name=gen_name(), path=gen_name()):
host = gen_host()
ssh = gen_ssh_gitlab()
return {
'id': gen_int(),
'description': '',
'default_branch': None,
'tag_list': [],
'ssh_url_to_repo': '{ssh}/{path}/{name}.git'.format(ssh=ssh, path=path, name=name),
'http_url_to_repo': '{host}/{path}/{name}.git'.format(host=host, path=path, name=name),
'web_url': '{host}/{path}/{name}'.format(host=host, path=path, name=name),
'name': '{name}'.format(name=name),
'name_with_namespace': '{path} / {name}'.format(path=path, name=name),
'path': '{name}'.format(name=name),
'path_with_namespace': '{path}/{name}'.format(path=path, name=name),
'avatar_url': None,
'star_count': 0,
'forks_count': 0,
'created_at': '2017-11-09T01:47:09.917+01:00',
'last_activity_at': '2017-11-09T01:47:09.917+01:00',
'_links': {
'self': '{host}/api/v4/projects/4'.format(host=host),
'issues': '{host}/api/v4/projects/4/issues'.format(host=host),
'merge_requests': '{host}/api/v4/projects/4/merge_requests'.format(host=host),
'repo_branches': '{host}/api/v4/projects/4/repository/branches'.format(host=host),
'labels': '{host}/api/v4/projects/4/labels'.format(host=host),
'events': '{host}/api/v4/projects/4/events'.format(host=host),
'members': '{host}/api/v4/projects/4/members'.format(host=host)
'archived': gen_bool(),
'visibility': 'private',
'resolve_outdated_diff_discussions': gen_bool(),
'container_registry_enabled': gen_bool(),
'issues_enabled': gen_bool(),
'merge_requests_enabled': gen_bool(),
'wiki_enabled': gen_bool(),
'jobs_enabled': gen_bool(),
'snippets_enabled': gen_bool(),
'shared_runners_enabled': gen_bool(),
'lfs_enabled': gen_bool(),
'creator_id': gen_int(),
'namespace': {
'id': gen_int(),
'name': '{path}'.format(path=path),
'path': '{path}'.format(path=path),
'kind': 'group',
'full_path': '{path}'.format(path=path),
'parent_id': None,
'members_count_with_descendants': gen_int()
'import_status': 'none',
'open_issues_count': 0,
'public_jobs': gen_bool(),
'ci_config_path': None,
'shared_with_groups': [],
'only_allow_merge_if_pipeline_succeeds': gen_bool(),
'request_access_enabled': gen_bool(),
'only_allow_merge_if_all_discussions_are_resolved': gen_bool(),
'printing_merge_request_link_enabled': gen_bool()
import unittest
from git_cloner.model.remotes.github_remote import GithubRemote
from git_cloner.model.remotes.gitlab_remote import GitlabRemote
from git_cloner.utils import logger
from git_cloner.utils.config import Config
class LoggerTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_build_remote_from_log_line_github(self):
line = "Server: github, Repo: fhuertasorgfortest/monkey, Operation: clone, Result: False"
Config.load_config({}).ssh = True
remote = logger.build_remote_from_log_line(line)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(remote, GithubRemote))
self.assertEqual(remote.owner, "fhuertasorgfortest")
self.assertEqual(remote.repo_name, "monkey")
self.assertEqual(remote.ssh, True)
def test_build_remote_from_log_line_gitlab(self):
line = "Server: gitlab, Repo: fhuertasorgfortest/monkey, Operation: clone, Result: False"
config = Config.load_config({})
config.ssh = False = ""
remote = logger.build_remote_from_log_line(line)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(remote, GitlabRemote))
self.assertEqual(remote.owner, "fhuertasorgfortest")
self.assertEqual(remote.repo_name, "monkey")
self.assertEqual(remote.is_ssh, False)
Repo: fhuertasorgfortest/monkey, Operation: clone, Result: False
Repo: lower/mix, Operation: clone, Result: True
Repo: mix/mix, Operation: clone, Result: False
\ No newline at end of file
Server: github, Repo: fhuertasorgfortest/monkey, Operation: clone, Result: False
Server: github, Repo: lower/mix, Operation: clone, Result: True
Server: github, Repo: mix/mix, Operation: clone, Result: False
Server: gitlab, Repo: fhuertasorgfortest/monkey, Operation: clone, Result: False
Server: gitlab, Repo: lower/mix, Operation: clone, Result: True
Server: gitlab, Repo: mix/mix, Operation: clone, Result: False
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